Kokorec (Turkish Street Food)

If you are interested in the traditional foods of the countries you are travelling to, you will be truly satisfied in Turkey. We have stated before that it is impossible to explain all of them in a single content. You can look at Food & Cuisine page for previous contents.

As in many countries, street food has a different place in Turkey. Kokorec is just one of the street foods in Turkey. Although some restaurants have added this delicious food to their menu, we recommend you to taste it on the street instead of a restaurant.
Street food: Kokorec (Lamb Intestines)
Kokorec is made of lamb intestines, basically. On the other hand, every kokorec has not the same taste. If you are not vegetarian and are open to different tastes, kokorec is a must-try street food. You will probably either love it or hate it on your first try.

The cooking method, the freshness of the intestines, the right and proportional spices, and other added vegetables can effect its taste.
~ Cooking: Kokorec is usually wrapped in skewers and prepared in charcoal fire. When the customer requests, it is cut directly from the skewer and prepared. The other method is to cook the chopped intestines on the sheet metal. First one is the better method.
~ Freshness: First, the product must be the lamb intestines. Even if every kokorec seller (kokoreççi in Turkish) claims to be like this, the truth is questionable. Second, the intestines must be properly maintained. It should be as fresh as possible.
~ Spices: Kokorec has a nice smell. Both burning oils and cumin affect this smell. Other spices only affect taste, not smell.
~ Extras: In Istanbul and most of the other cities, tomatoes and green peppers are added to the food with the same size with the intestines. You can not come across this method in Izmir and the surrounding provinces. To be honest, adding vegetables does not give a good taste and is also an excuse for reducing portions.

Prices and Portions
You can order full, half or quarter bread. Prices are directly proportional. The price of half bread kokorec is minimum 10 and maximum 15 Turkish Lira. So, the price for a quarter of the bread is half that, and double that for full bread. If you see a price below or above these figures, pay attention...

Pickles and Drinks
You can try bitter pepper pickles next to your order. Free pickles are usually placed on the tables, if you can't see, you can ask. You can choose cola, soda and similar drinks alongside the kokorec. However, we recommend that you try ayran or turnip juice. If you prefer turnip juice, they ask if it's bitter or not. The decision is yours. Also remember, red caps are bitter, not white ones.

Enjoy your meal...
